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Bodybuilder Gyno Surgery

Male gynecomastia, or “man boobs,” involves enlarged breast tissue.

Gynecomastia doesn’t respond to weight loss. “Gyno” is hard for bodybuilders; it is prevalent among athletes who have never used anabolic steroids and among those who have.

The main cause of gynecomastia is genetic; however, gyno develops with minimal use of steroids, medications or supplements.

manboob gynecomastia bodybuilder

Why gynecomastia can be particularly bothersome in bodybuilders?

Gyno can embarrass bodybuilders and detract from their toned physique. Gynecomastia can make the chest appear larger, especially during contests, despite strong pectoral muscle tone. Many are self-conscious about taking off their shirts, which may have affected their performance or ranking in competition.

Azouz Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery offers minimally invasive drainless gynecomastia surgery to contour your chest. Bodybuilders who compete and are judged on their chests often worry about scarring. Dr. Azouz’s approach, which uses scar camouflage and is minimally invasive, is unique in reducing visible scarring.

bodybuilder gyno treatment | Dr. Solomon Azouz

How is gynecomastia different in Bodybuilders?

Gynecomastia in patients who have used steroids or gynecomastia-inducing supplements is usually hard, white, and has a “rock-like” feel. Pubertal gynecomastia is usually softer and more pliable.

In both pubertal gynecomastia and steroid-induced gynecomastia, there is often fat trapped between gynecomastia tissue.

Bodybuilder Man Boobs Signs and Symptoms

Signs of Bodybuilder Moobs

  • Larger chest after anabolic steroid use
  • Large, rounder breasts without muscle definition
  • Uneven breasts or nipples
  • Swollen, puffy, or bulging nipples
  • Feeling rocks or pebbles in chest soft tissue
Symptoms of Bodybuilder Moobs

  • Pain or soreness or the breast, nipple, or areola
  • Breast tissue that persists after weight loss
  • Breast swelling

Puffy nipples and swollen breasts in bodybuilders are prevalent but not always caused by anabolic drugs. Other significant conditions can cause breasts and nipples to enlarge. Dr. Azouz can rule out other causes before scheduling gynecomastia surgery with a consultation, comprehensive physical, and medical history.

What is the cause of gynecomastia in bodybuilders?

The causes of gynecomastia in bodybuilders and athletes can be complex and multifactorial. Hormonal imbalances, genetics, and the use of certain medications and anabolic steroids can all contribute to the development of gynecomastia. For many patients, gynecomastia is genetically inherited and can also run in families.

What dietary supplements cause Gynecomastia?

  • Soy protein isolate contains phytoestrogens, plant compounds that mimic estrogen and can promote breast tissue growth.
  • DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone supplement that may raise estrogen levels, potentially causing gynecomastia or breast tissue growth.
  • Androstenedione is a prohormone that converts to testosterone or estrogen, potentially causing breast tissue growth in men.
  • Anabolic steroids are synthetic testosterone used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance muscle mass and performance. Steroids can raise estrogen levels and cause gynecomastia.
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy: TRT is synthetic testosterone used to address low testosterone levels. It can effectively treat low testosterone but may raise estrogen levels, causing gynecomastia in some men.
  • Creatine may increase the risk of gynecomastia by altering hormone levels, according to some studies.

When can you get back to bodybuilding after gynecomastia surgery?

During your follow-up appointment, Dr. Azouz will let you know which exercises you can return to. By 6 weeks, the majority of patients can return to all of their intense chest workouts, including bench presses, push-ups, and pull-ups.

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Why can over the counter supplements can cause gynecomastia?

Over-the-counter supplements meant to increase testosterone, energy, and libido can be manufactured by non-approved manufacturers and can include synthetic steroids, testosterone, or estrogens that can contribute to gynecomastia. Even protein supplements have been shown to be laced with chemicals known to cause gynecomastia.

What are the treatment options of gynecomastia in bodybuilders?

Once gynecomastia is present, the best treatment is surgical excision usually with liposuction.

Why Choose Top Gynecomastia Surgeon Dr. Azouz in Dallas

Gynecomastia Care in Dallas, TX

Gynecomastia is not something you have to endure. Gynecomastia surgery at Azouz Plastic Surgery can restore your confidence. Dr. Azouz removes excess fat and breast tissue to contour the chest and correct asymmetry. The procedure is performed through a small, hidden incision.

Choose a qualified plastic surgeon experienced in treating gynecomastia in athletes and bodybuilders. Dr. Azouz, a Dallas plastic surgeon, will develop a tailored treatment plan based on your needs and goals.

Azouz Plastic Surgery’s board-certified plastic surgeons have treated numerous bodybuilders with gynecomastia. They have extensive experience in treating gynecomastia, and surgery results typically yield high patient satisfaction. He offers in-person and remote consultations for his highly sought-after expertise. Schedule your consultation with Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to reclaim the body you’ve worked hard for.

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Bodybuilders and Gynecomastia

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