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Who Can Benefit From a Neck lift Procedure?

blonde womanA Neck lift is a common plastic surgery procedure performed by Dr. Azouz as day surgery and is often associated with little pain afterward. Aging contributes to skin and soft tissue laxity. Over time, the body stops producing high levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which leads to loose skin, wrinkles, jowls, and many other signs of aging. Patients who desire a more youthful and contoured neck can meet with Dr. Azouz at Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Azouz performs neck lifts for patients with these concerns and can help improve the side-effects of an aging neck and face.

Have you been thinking about getting a neck lift but are unsure if you are a candidate?

The best way to determine candidacy for a lower rhytidectomy is to speak with Dr. Azouz. The best candidates for a neck lift are those healthy, do not smoke, and have realistic expectations for the procedure. A neck lift can treat various concerns with your face and neck you may have due to naturally aging skin.

What Can Neck Lift Surgery Treat?

  • Loose neck skin
  • Creppy neck skin
  • An obtuse cervico mental angle
  • Excess fat under the chin
  • Jowls
  • Muscle banding in the neck
  • Excess fat and skin relaxation in the neck

How does a neck lift compare to non-surgical procedures?

The neck starts to show visible aging signs prior to other areas of the body. To help combat this, a neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is performed to restore a youthful appearance. During a lower rhytidectomy, excess fat and/or skin is removed on the lower face, chin, and neck. The suspensory layers of the face are tightened and lifted to a more youthful position. This has the advantage of contouring the jawline and neck for a more distinguished profile.

Non-surgical options do not physically remove excess skin and fat. Generally, non-surgical procedures must be repeated numerous times in order to yield an appreciable result. A neck lift is definitive and most patients will undergo only one in their lifetime.

What is it like to have a neck lift in Dallas?

The neck lift journey involves three main parts including the consultation, the surgery, and the recovery.

During a consultation, Dr. Azouz will walk you through what to expect for your lower rhytidectomy procedure. Dr. Azouz will take a medical history and perform a physical examination. Dr. Azouz also points out the aesthetic anatomy of the face through a physical examination. Dr. Azouz is able to demonstrate on your neck what to expect after surgery. Dr. Azouz is also able to discuss combination surgery for patients who would like to combine their neck lift with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), laser resurfacing, facelift, rhinoplasty or otoplasty.
Dr. Azouz most commonly performs neck lift surgery with local anesthesia and sedation. Dr. Azouz uses this technique so you are comfortable while minimizing the risks associated with general anesthesia. This also allows Dr. Azouz to monitor and protect the muscles of facial animation. Patients can be deepened or lightened to their desired level of comfort with anesthesia. The vast majority of patients do not remember their operation due to the specific medications that are utilized during cosmetic procedures. Dr. Azouz works with anesthesiologists and certified nurses and anesthetists who are experts in delivering an optimal surgical experience. Side effects such as pain and nausea are minimized by Dr. Azouz’s local and regional blocks, his specialized dressings and the long-lasting anesthesia drugs that are provided by the anesthesia provider.
Dr. Azouz provides prescriptions for medications that will treat pain and nausea after a neck lift. Patients do not usually describe significant pain after a neck lift and there are many patients who do not take any opioid pain pills after surgery. Dr. Azouz personally follows his patients in the office after surgery with frequent appointments. Dr. Azouz removes stitches at different appointments and will notify patients when they begin their skincare, sunscreen and makeup regimens. Neck lift incisions are hidden behind the ears and under your chin. Most patients are able to return to desk work a few days after surgery. Dr. Azouz does not recommend any heavy activity such as scuba diving, sky diving, cross-fit, heavyweight training and marathon running for at least four to six weeks after surgery.

Frequently Asked Facelift Questions

How is a neck lift different than a facelift?
A Neck lift only addresses the lower portion of the face including the neck and jowls. Young patients who have loose skin and fatty tissue under the chin are more commonly candidates for a neck lift. Older patients who would like the benefit of midface rejuvenation are better candidates for facelifts. Dr. Azouz generally combines a neck lift with all facelift procedures. Some patients simply require neck liposuction which has the additional benefit of skin tightening and minimal incisions.
How can you tell the difference between platysma bands and loose skin?
Platysma bands are actually strips of muscles of the neck which become prominent with aging. This is due to a combination of soft tissue and skin laxity as well as decreased muscle tone. Dr. Azouz will be able to diagnose and treat platysmal banding after an in-office history and physical examination.
Is Botox enough for neckbands or is a platysmaplasty better?
Neuromodulators such as botox and Dysport generally only will last for 2-4 months. This means that patients will have to have their platysma bands treated with injections several times a year for as many years as the plastysma bands bother them. With a neck lift or facelift Dr. Azouz treats platysma bands directly by a platymaplasty, direct platysma band excision and by resuspending the skin and soft tissues of the face.
What causes premature aging?
The overwhelmingly greatest cause of premature aging is genetics. People often notice that they look more and more like their aging parents as they age. There are modifiable causes of aging as well but these do not contribute to aging as much as genetics. Modifiable causes of aging include sun exposure, smoking, diet, skincare, and stress.
How can I reduce premature aging and maintain the results of my neck lift or facelift?
  1. Sun protection is one of the best ways to prevent premature aging. Wearing hats, avoiding the sun at the hottest parts of the day and applying sunscreen frequently is critical. New broad-spectrum sunscreens protect from multiple damaging rays including UVA/UVB, infrared and blue rays.
  2. Smoking causes significant damage to nearly all parts of the body. The skin and soft tissues of the face and neck are damaged and can not recover as well in smokers. Smoking can also cause discoloration of the teeth and gums. Quitting smoking can not only lead to a longer life but also to the ability to better rebuild collagen and heal.
  3. Eating healthy is another way to better prevent early aging. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides the skin with a healthy glow, better texture, tone and can even contribute to better skin elasticity. Alcohol, fried, salty and sugary foods do not provide the face with the nutrients to build healthy and youthful collagen.
  4. Daily skincare programs with retinA, hydroquinone, vitamin c and moisturizers can strengthen, smoothe and tighten the skin. Azouz customizes skincare regimens to his patients after performing a skin exam and history.
  5. Daily stress is difficult to avoid but patients who provide self-care with exercise, meditation, familial support, and yoga can better distress to lower their stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Even very young patients in their 20s and 30s can become aged looking after experiencing periods of significant stress.

Cost of a Neck Lift

There is no one cost for a neck lift procedure. It varies based on many factors. Dr. Azouz will give you an estimated cost for your neck lift during your consultation. Insurance companies deem facelifts and neck lifts to be cosmetic surgery and therefore non-covered procedures. If you have any questions regarding the cost of a neck lift, feel free to contact our Dallas office at (972) 702-8888.

Talk to Plastic Surgeon Dr. Azouz

If you are unhappy with your neck/jawline area due to loose, sagging skin then talk to Dr. Azouz. He can create your customized neck lift procedure to help you look years younger. To get started, contact our Dallas office today by phone or by filling out an online form.

Posted on behalf of Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

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