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Why choose Dr. Azouz for Gynecomastia Surgery Dallas, TX
Dr. Azouz

Choosing the best plastic surgeon to remove your gynecomastia is important.  Dr. David Azouz and Dr. Solomon Azouz are known for their expertise in gynecomastia surgery. Azouz plastic surgery located in Dallas, Texas is considered a high volume practice for gynecomastia which means Dr. David Azouz and Dr. Solomon Azouz perform numerous male breast reduction surgeries per week. These board-certified Dallas plastic surgeons have created customized surgical plans for gynecomastia patients. Minimally invasive techniques are best utilized whenever possible to achieve optimal results with minimal scarring.

What is involved in Dr. Azouz’s surgical plan for gynecomastia?

When performing gynecomastia surgery Dr. Azouz uses a combination of liposuction and excision techniques to perform breast reduction surgery. Dr. Azouz uses custom liposuction cannulas which he created specifically for gynecomastia surgery. He uses liposuction cannulas to remove fatty tissue from the breasts. He also excises the more firm breast tissue. All of this can be done with a minimally invasive technique. Scars are camouflaged within the areola and are often imperceptible.

What are Dr. Azouz’s gynecomastia patients saying about their experience?

man's nipple

“Dr. Azouz and his staff were exceptional throughout the whole process of my surgery. They made it easy, I’m extremely glad that I chose Dr. Azouz for my gynecomastia surgery. I couldn’t be happier with my results and the recovery process was quicker than I had anticipated. He is the best gynecomastia surgeon”

“Amazing experience with gynecomastia surgery and the best results!”

“I recently had surgery (gynecomastia). I cannot be happier with my results. Dr. David and Solomon Azouz were the best in guiding me and helping me recover. 10/10 would highly recommend.”

Gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Azouz in Dallas

What does the gynecomastia surgery experience involve?

So you’ve done your research or heard from a friend that Dr. Azouz is known for his expertise in gynecomastia surgery but what does the gynecomastia surgery experience involve with the top gynecomastia surgeons Dr. David Azouz and Dr. Solomon Azouz?

Gynecomastia surgery consultation

First things first, you can call Dr. Azouz’s office and schedule your gynecomastia consultation at (972) 702-8888. Otherwise, you can send an email for a consultation request. Dr. Azouz offers in-person office appointments and also offers virtual appointments for those who live outside of the state or country. During your consultation with Dr. Azouz, your medical history will be taken, a physical examination will be performed, and your questions about gynecomastia and surgery will be answered. At the end of your consultation, you are able to schedule your surgery or another appointment depending on your specific needs.

Gynecomastia Before & After
before and after man boob removal surgery in Dallas, TX by Dr. Solomon Azouz

Preoperative gynecomastia appointment

Before your surgery day, Dr. Azouz will often have you return to the office for a preoperative appointment. During this appointment, any last-minute questions you may have can be addressed and your pre-operative photos will be taken. An Azouz plastic surgery team member will go over specific pre-surgery guidelines such as what time you have to stop eating and drinking the night before your gynecomastia surgery.

Gynecomastia surgery day

On the day of your gynecomastia surgery, you will arrive at the accredited facility at your scheduled time. You are wearing loose-fitting comfortable clothes with a top that buttons or zips on the front. You will be checked in and the pre-operative checklist with the nurses will be completed. Dr. Azouz will come to see you for preoperative gynecomastia surgery marking, once again see if you have thought of any last-minute questions and introduce your anesthesia provider. Soon after you will be taken to the operating room and before you know it you will be in recovery. Some patients do not remember the recovery area due to the aesthetic medication given to them during surgery. While at the facility, while you are recovering post-operative instructions are given to the person who is staying with you for the rest of the day. After a while, you are able to go home. Dr. Azouz and/or an Azouz plastic surgery team member may call to check on you later in the day.

What does post-operative care for gynecomastia look like with Dr. Azouz?

Surgical Procedure

Dr. Azouz will give you specific instructions to guide you after your male breast reduction surgery for your desired results. Post-operative care is a key factor in your healing process after gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia surgery is performed by Dr. Azouz as an outpatient surgery which means you will go home the same day as your surgery. After your male breast reduction surgery, you will be placed in compression garments which you will wear for a few weeks. It is recommended to take the rest of the day to recover after surgery and not to do too much activity. Within a few days of surgery, you can return to your desk duties. You will have follow-up appointments with Dr. Azouz in his Dallas office location or with virtual appointments. During each appointment, Dr. Azouz will monitor your healing process and gradually allow you to return to more strenuous activities such as heavy exercise.

Gynecomastia surgery postoperative appointments

A man while bodybuilding workout at the gym.

After your gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Azouz, you will have many postoperative appointments to monitor your healing. Many of Dr. Azouz’s gynecomastia surgery patients return to their desks duties within days of surgery. After the first few weeks after surgery, your sutures (stitches) will be removed. You will continue with your compression garments until Dr. Azouz advises you that you no longer need to wear them. Dr. Azouz will also guide you back into your normal daily routine and when to incorporate your more strenuous activities such as heavy weight lifting.

Request your initial consultation with Dr. Azouz

Choosing Dr. Azouz for gynecomastia surgery is one of the best decisions you can make. Dr. Azouz has vast experience performing gynecomastia surgery for over 30 years. If you are concerned about your gynecomastia condition, call Dr. Azouz’s office in Dallas and request your initial consultation by calling (972) 702-8888. After a physical examination, Dr. Azouz will suggest the best treatment to correct your condition.

Posted on behalf of Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

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