How does Liposuction Work
Considering liposuction?
You are not alone and you likely have friends who have considered and even had liposuction without you knowing. Liposuction is one of Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. David Azouz’s most popular procedures. Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the US and is one of the least reported to friends and families.
Can liposuction be performed in consultation?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is not exempt from the risks associated with any surgery. Although liposuction has an incredibly high safety profile, it must be performed according to standardized protocols and guidelines. Dr. Azouz strives for the best and safest experience for his patients. Dr. Azouz only operates in accredited operating rooms and hospitals. Plastic surgeon Dr. David Azouz is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and follows the ethical codes and standards established by the society.
What do I need to know before I have liposuction?
The first and foremost is to find the right plastic surgeon. A board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. David Azouz has the knowledge and experience in liposuction to perform the surgery effectively and safely. With your consultation Dr. Azouz will assess the indications, possible contraindications, and areas to be treated. Dr. Azouz will review expected results, detail the recovery and share before and after pictures from similar patients.
How long is the postoperative period after liposuction?
Dr. Azouz performs liposuction as a day surgery. Duration of recovery does depend on the amount of fat removed, history of the patient, and duration of surgery. In general Dr. Azouz performs liposuction under sedation so that a patient does not remember the surgery and is sleeping. Sedation allows for the patient to be “asleep” but does not involve placing a breathing tube past the vocal cords. This results in a much more rapid recovery the day of surgery and is associated with a higher safety profile.Dr. Azouz does recommend that you are accompanied postoperatively for the first 12 hours, by a relative or friend.
Dr. Azouz can arrange for a nurse experienced in plastic surgery care to stay with the patient the night after surgery if they do not have Dallas based friends or family to help them after their plastic surgery.
The first days after liposuction
After the first postoperative day, your body will begin to recover. Each patient recovers in his or her own way and a variety of factors affect recovery including:
- Age
- General health
- Smoking status
- Physical fitness before surgery
During the first few days, it is expected to be sore and inflamed but Dr. Azouz focuses on the best enhanced recovery protocols to minimize pain after surgery. The majority of patients report “soreness” as if they had a major workout rather than pain. It is common for patients to not take any pain pills or minimal pain pills after liposuction. Dr. Azouz’s enhanced recovery techniques include:
- Tiny incisions that are camouflaged
- Use of long acting local anesthetics
- Specialized recovery garments
- Advanced anesthesia techniques
Plastic surgeon Dr. Azouz recommends that patients stay in their compression for the first few days after surgery. Post-operative girdles and compression help reduce swelling, pain and help define a cosmetic shape.
The first postoperative month
Dr. Azouz will recommend wearing the post-surgical garment continuously and will guide when to remove compression for daily hygiene. Dr. Azouz recommends guides when to avoid heavy and light activity after liposuction. Most patients are able to return to light activity such as light cardio, yoga, elliptical and weights between 10 days and 2 weeks after surgery. Bodybuilders who undergo liposuction and removal of their gynecomastia are able to tone their legs, and biceps, for example, two weeks after surgery in most cases.
Optimal recovery tips include:
- Eating well- light meats, salads, fruits, and vegetables.
- A unique hydration schedule designed by Dr. Azouz.
- Walking between at least 15 and 30 minutes a day and heavy exercise regularly from week six after surgery.
- A bowel routine based on natural cathartics such as fruit juices and fiber.
Are you thinking of having liposuction? Call Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. David Azouz today at (972) 702-8888.
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