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Explore Breast Implants Options and Breast Augmentation Surgery Dallas, TX
Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery (placement of breast implants), it is recommended to start exploring the different breast implants options with a board-certified plastic surgeon in your area to help you to determine what is the best choice for you and fulfill your aesthetic expectations. With that being said, it is helpful to go into your first appointment knowing some of the basics about breast implants and breast augmentation surgery and address with your surgeon any doubts or concerns. Here we share the basic information you need to know about breast implants and breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Implants Options for Breast Augmentation

Before going to your first appointment, spend some time thinking about what you want your new silhouette to look like. When you are ready schedule your appointment with a breast augmentation plastic surgeon to explore the different breast implants options available. Dallas Plastic Surgeon Dr. Azouz is a great resource to help you to find the best breast implants for you and create a surgical plan to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Anesthesia used for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation procedures can be performed under either general anesthesia or IV sedation. In nearly all cases, Dr. Azouz will use a combination of local anesthetic and IV sedation. This means that you are asleep but do not have a machine that is breathing for you. Sedation is often considered much safer than general anesthesia. Dr. Azouz has found that the recovery period is much quicker and patients report less nausea when local and sedation are used compared to a general anesthetic.

Breast Augmentation Incisions

There are several incision placements that may be used to complete a breast augmentation procedure. The goal is to minimize scarring after healing is complete. Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Azouz will explain these options and which one is best for your procedure during a consultation. Generally speaking, a breast augmentation can be completed using one of the following incisions:

Breast Augmentation Incisions with Dr. Azouz | Dallas & Plano. Description: Underarm (Transaxillary) inision. Around nipple (Perlareolar) incision. In breast fold (Inframmary) incision

  • Periareolar incisions are made in a semi-circular pattern around the nipple and areola. Any resulting scarring is camouflaged within the areola.
  • Inframammary incisions are made just below the breast crease.
  • Transaxillary incisions are made within the armpit.This is more common with saline implants which can be filled after placing them within the breast pocket.

Inserting and Placing Breast Implants

Once incisions have been made, Dr. Azouz is ready to place the breast implants. The technique for this step will again vary depending on the type of implants you have chosen and your desired results. Breast implants can be placed either below the pectoral muscle, known as a submuscular placement, or between the muscle and natural breast tissue, known as a submammary or subglandular placement. Submuscular placements typically create a more natural result, especially for those who have a smaller amount of natural breast tissue. This placement is also associated with a lower rate of capsular contracture or rippling in the case of saline implants. Subglandular placement is beneficial for those who do not have a pectoral muscle especially in cases of Poland Syndrome. During a consultation, Dr. Azouz will help you choose the best option according to the results you are looking for.

Closing Breast Augmentation Incisions

After successfully placing the breast implants, Dr. Azouz will then close the incisions. This is typically done with a combination of sutures and skin adhesive or surgical tape. After closing incisions, dressings and bandages will be placed over the incisions, and you will wear a compression bra to keep the breasts in place as you heal. When surgery is complete, you will be given detailed instructions on caring for the incision sites. At times a breast augmentation can be combined with a mini lift or full lift (mastopexy).

Recovery and Results After Breast Augmentation

Immediately after a breast augmentation, you can expect to feel tired and sore and should prioritize rest, especially for the first 48 hours. Swelling and redness at incision sites can both be normal. Dr. Azouz uses a variety of techniques for minimal pain and rapid recovery after breast implants are placed.

Through your recovery period, Dr. Azouz will explain exercises you should perform to help avoid capsular contracture and maintain soft breast tissue. He will also outline when you can safely return to all normal activities, such as your exercise routine. Most patients are ready to return to work and non-strenuous activity within a few days after a breast augmentation.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Azouz

To learn more about the breast augmentation procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. David Azouz or Dr. Solomon Azouz by calling our Dallas office at (972) 702-8888 or contacting us online.

Posted on behalf of Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

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