Enhanced Recovery After Plastic Surgery
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to surgical treatment that aims to optimize patient outcomes and improve recovery after surgery. Board certified Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Solomon Azouz adopted ERAS protocols as part of his training at the University of Toronto and at the Mayo Clinic to provide an effecient, patient centered approach to perioperative care. Dr. Azouz is committed to providing his patients with the best quality of care possible and continues to use ERAS protocols at Azouz Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Dallas, Texas.
How can I speed up my recovery after plastic surgery?
ERAS protocols are intended to reduce complications and promote early mobilization and return to normal activities by minimizing the stress response associated with surgery. The three main elements of ERAS include preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care:
Preoperative optimization:
- Patient education and counseling: During the initial consultation, Dr. Azouz educates his patients on the procedure and what to expect before, during, and after surgery. This reduces anxiety and increases compliance with preoperative instructions.
- Nutritional assessment and optimization: Dr. Azouz will evaluate his patients’ nutritional status and make recommendations to ensure that they are adequately nourished prior to surgery. This reduces the possibility of complications and promotes wound healing.
- Smoking cessation and alcohol reduction: Patients are advised to quit smoking and limit their alcohol consumption prior to surgery. This improves lung function, lowers the risk of infection, and promotes wound healing.
- Prehabilitation exercises to improve fitness: To increase their fitness prior to surgery, Dr. Azouz may recommend prehabilitation exercises to reduce the risk of complications and promote a faster recovery.
- Preoperative carbohydrate loading: Patients are advised to consume a carbohydrate-rich meal the evening before surgery. This lowers the risk of hypoglycemia and improves recovery.
Intraoperative care:
- Minimally invasive cosmetic surgical techniques: Dr. Azouz uses minimally invasive techniques to reduce pain, blood loss, and the length of hospital stay.
- Adequate fluid management: Patients are carefully monitored for dehydration
and given fluids as needed to help improve kidney function. - Multimodal pain management strategies: To control pain, Dr. Azouz will use local and regional anesthetic, which can help with pain for up to 24 hours after surgery.
- Prevention of nausea and vomiting: During surgery, medications are given to prevent nausea and vomiting.
Postoperative care:
- Early mobilization and ambulation: Following surgery, patients are encouraged to get out of bed and start moving around as soon as possible. This promotes the healing of wounds, increases circulation, and prevents blood clots.
- Early removal of drains: Dr. Azouz uses drainless techniques in many cosmetic procedures, decreasing the risk of infection. In some instances, drains are used when necessary and are removed as soon as possible during routine follow-up appointments.
- Early oral nutrition and fluid intake: Patients are encouraged to eat and drink as soon as possible after surgery to avoid dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. This also encourages proper wound healing.
- Multimodal pain management: To control pain, a combination of pain management strategies such as NSAIDs, acetaminophen, and opioids are used. This improves patient comfort while decreasing the need for opioids.
- Prevention of postoperative ileus: Medications are given to prevent postoperative ileus, a type of intestine paralysis. This promotes normal bowel function and lowers the risk of complications.
ERAS protocols have been demonstrated to be effective in a variety of surgical procedures, including gynecomastia surgery, breast surgery, a facelift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty, and lipedema. They have been associated with numerous benefits, including:
- Going home sooner after surgery
- Experiencing less pain after surgery
- Returning to normal activities more quickly after surgery
- Higher overall patient satisfaction with recovery
Dr. Azouz works with anesthesiologists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to coordinate patient care to ensure enhanced recovery after surgery. Patient education and engagement are also crucial for the success of ERAS programs.
ERAS has become the standard of care for many plastic surgical procedures due to its proven benefits and widespread adoption. It is a significant step forward in perioperative care, leading to enhanced patient outcomes and more efficient use of healthcare resources. If you want to improve your recovery time after plastic surgery, call (972) 702-8888 to set up a consultation with Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Azouz so he can make specific recommendations.
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