Daddy Do-Over in Dallas: Custom Male Plastic Surgery Procedures
The number of men seeking Daddy Do-Over in Dallas is increasing every year. More and more men are looking for the best and most experienced plastic surgeons to achieve their goals. A daddy do-over combining gynecomastia or male breast reduction and belly liposuction is more popular than ever. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported in 2019 that since 2000, the number of procedures performed on men rose by 29% to 1.3 million procedures! Dr. Azouz performs a high volume of cosmetic combination surgeries in men with a minimally invasive approach.
Although many of the most popular plastic surgery procedures (rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and liposuction) are often performed on their own, they can also be combined to reduce total downtime and save on the costs of multiple surgeries. This is sometimes called a “Daddy Do-Over”, a reference to the female equivalent of a “Mommy Makeover”. A “daddy do-over in Dallas” can involve combing a male chest surgery with abdominal liposuction, tummy tuck, or mini tummy tuck. Combining other plastic surgery procedures can be performed at the same time.
Daddy Do-Overs in Dallas is Highly Customizable
A daddy do-over is tailored to the man seeking cosmetic treatment. Consisting of facial, body, and sometimes male breast reduction surgeries, this unique surgical plan allows men to achieve a significant amount of improvement in a single session. Patients can pick and choose between several cosmetic procedures in consultation with board-certified Dallas- based plastic surgeons Dr. David Azouz or Dr. Solomon Azouz.
Common Aesthetic Concerns Among Men
Men typically strive for cosmetic goals that differ from those women hope to achieve through plastic surgery. Although several cosmetic principles overlap. The most popular concerns men seek to correct with plastic surgery include:
- Liposuction – Body contouring can help men stave off the dreaded “dad bod”
- Gynecomastia – Treating excess breast tissue can help people feel more confident both with and without a shirt on
- Rhinoplasty – Achieving facial harmony and looking younger can be simply a matter of adjusting the shape of the nose
- Eyelid surgery – Rejuvenating the appearance of the eyes helps anyone look more alert and younger without looking “worked-on”.
- Male Facelift – Correcting facial wrinkles and laxity caused by aging is an effective way to take years off the appearance
Regardless of the cosmetic procedure, a man chooses, most men strive to avoid a feminized appearance. Dr. Azouz is committed to a natural, sculpted appearance with enhanced recovery and a minimally invasive technique in his male plastic surgery.
Good Candidates for a Daddy Do-Over
Although not everyone is eligible for a daddy do-over in Dallas, men who are in general good health and are realistic in their expectations are the best candidates for male plastic surgery. The eligibility of any one person depends on the type of cosmetic surgery desired, as less-invasive procedures are typically available to a greater number of people, even those with controlled medical problems such as higher BMI (Body Mass Index), diabetes, and hypertension.
Outcomes of Daddy Do-Overs
Every man’s daddy do-over in Dallas is highly personalized and customized to address his unique concerns and conditions. There is generally overwhelmingly very high satisfaction with the daddy do-over procedure. Many men feel renewed confidence in their appearance, which can help spur a determination for a healthier lifestyle.
The recovery process after a daddy do-over varies widely by the types of procedures performed. Those who have surgeries like a tummy tuck will have longer downtime requirements than those who have more minimally invasive procedures, like eyelid surgery or liposuction. Always follow all of Dr. Azouz’s instructions for restricting activity and certain medications or substances for the best and quickest recovery process.
Request your Daddy Do-Over consultation with Dr. Azouz
There’s no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed that you’re considering pursuing cosmetic procedures to address a concern about your appearance. Often, these issues can lead to negative side effects and low self-esteem, which are legitimate issues that Dr. Azouz can help with. Dr. Azouz is here in Dallas to help male plastic surgery patients be their best selves. To learn more about your options for a daddy do-over procedure, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly and highly trained team by calling our Dallas office location at (972) 702-8888 or by contacting us online today.
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